I found my space
I have found my space
I look around
At the white walls
Ceiling to floor
At the... space
I have found my space
It was there
Waiting for me
With a tag wrapped around
In swirly serif handwriting
Bold and smiling
With my name on it
From that tormented teen
Dreaming of the time
To achieve some quiet
Crying crying
Music blaring my choice
Thinking I was claiming ground
Brimming out past my bedroom door
Into the dark hallway
But I was merely blocking
Noise with noise
Angst with angst
With pain
I have found my space
And today it is
Birds twitter twitter nearby
Music floats through the sky
The whir of a washing machine
Crescendos to its finale
All for an audience of one
All for me
I have found my space
From a desk ruled
By others words
Controlling my attention
Piled high with papers
With papers of garbled messages
Missed opportunities, unimportant importance
I have found my space
And today it is clear
Pencil waiting
Solid oak, empty
A naturally welcoming path
For ideas, dreams, infinite wisdom
Empowering and giving
Giving me the moment
I realise
My space
It was always there
Always... hiding