As the nights shorten
As I age, hesitantly older
I cast my head right, left
Less to the angels on my shoulder
As darkness descends I listen close
A tinny, sharp voice from within
It's the streetwise kid narrating
The fighter I've always been
You may say it's the devilish voice
The Satan chime and cry
Yet it's the rebellion song that's kept me going
The one that doesn't die
A call to action, heeded with trust
Pulls me by the hand, states that I must
It guides me to the light, a world of unfolding beauty
It finds for me by daytime
A sense of civic duty
I find my goodness and my angel intact
An ascended state
From the Eve's mirror cracked
I need both seasons
I am the dark, and the light
With equal time
Clouds pass, sun in sight