I can't sleep
Thinking of you
The cranium cog churns
As my heart yearns
My belly with her cartwheels and turns
There is another out there
Wishing to share what I share
But hush, no rush
It's not my moment to blush
I can't sleep
Thinking of you
A two dimensional being
A pure soul, I'm seeing
Life force, Chi
A shift in energy
I can't sleep
Thinking of you
Of brushstrokes, colours and words
Chest beating, a charm of hummingbirds
A million, no, zillion what ifs
As the mighty ball of light lifts
I can't sleep
Thinking of you
Yet my eyes close, I gently drift
Dreaming of futures, a soft kiss
Your smile, our bliss
Eyelids now close
Chamomile meadows
I sleep
Thinking of