I feel like a princess
Even when My hair’s a mess
The morning dew has dried Before I stumble from slumber
Haphazard teeth brushing Scrappy tee shirt, bikini tied Splash Water on face
Awake! Princess comes alive
Where the universe leans towards me Ushering in my every desire
Breakfasts served on natural jewels Giant banana palms laden with Chutneys and sambar
Splash This time into a pool just for me Over where the sun rises I’ll gulp down masala tea
Ruminating over the day ahead What a packed schedule once I’ve stumbled from bed
Spa, small pool, big pool, Lunch, Spa, cruise Butterfly watching Whilst others do things for me I play the court jester fool
A Princess! Ahh, so special I feel With every single coconut lagoon meal I’m going to overdose On the rice pancakes and banana fry Sinking tummy on a jaggery high
Princess, I may not be
But the opinion stays
With the treasures I see
I don’t need the Queen of England’s beagle Experiences, yes! Make me feel regal